The time spent by managers, technicians and service providers on dealing with requests will be cut by 30 to 120 minutes per day. This adds up to dozens of hours each month as they manage more in less time.
Quicker handling of malfunction repair requests limits costs incurred due to non-functioning equipment.
Regardless of the amount of buildings, spaces or equipment that you’re managing and the number of employees or clients you service, you’ll have a complete and detailed overview in real time.
Employees primarily working outside the office can quickly access information on malfunctions and client requests. You’ll be able to coordinate your team much more effectively and you’ll have an overview of its workload.
Automates monitoring of operation and failure of devices equipped with IoT sensors. Allows integration with other systems that you’re already using.
You don’t need any technological equipment or personnel for system operation. Everything works on a secured cloud solution, and we ensure non-stop availability and development of the service.
Start with a consultation and expand gradually.
Unlimited number of managed buildings, devices and other activities.
REQUEST A DEMOUnlimited number of USERS, managed buildings, devices and other activities.